Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A little irritated

I felt a little irritated this morning. In life we encounter a lot of small things that if do not have the control will really affect our daily living. It is our choice to be affected by it or not. There are really times that we can't help it. It is just a matter of self control.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Dear high BP letter

This is a very meaningful letter from my best friend. It meant a lot to me especially that time that I had a check-up with my doctor because of my dysmenorrhea. My friend went with me. I was so surprised because when the doctor checked my blood pressure it was so high. My usual BP is only 90/60. It reached to 140/100. I was so scared during that time may be that was the reason why. I was comforted because she was there for me.
I really laughed out loud when I opened this card. I never though dearest friend would write "Dear high BP". Can you imagine that? She is so sweet.

Guaps means beautfiul

My best friend and I call each other Guaps. It is a Cebuano word meaning “beautiful”. This is one of the wonderful posters that she posted around the clinic where we work on my birthday. It really means a lot to me. She the best friend that everyone would ever want. God is so great for giving me a friend like her.

Strectched to the max

I have particular prayers that I am waiting for a long time for His answers. Sometimes I feel like my patience is not only stretched to the max but almost to the verge of losing it. I am reminded today that I should not let my faith depend on a prayers being answered. Instead my faith should be in God and His goodness. Wither He answered yes or no to my requests, even if He does not do it, I will still believe He is good and all things work together for good.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Not only for what we are

I read a bible verse today 1 John 4:10. It says, “This is love not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent His son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.” This is a wonderful truth that we need to accept. Jesus Christ has a love for you and me that is unconditional, perfect, and will never be taken away. We are loved. Nothing in us gave rise to it, and nothing in us can extinguish it. And His love is creative. Jesus sees in each of us the man or woman we were meant to be. With His help we can love people in the same way for it is impossible to give out love without becoming a more loving person. He loves us not only for what we are but also for what we can be.

Comfort and hope

Every time I am down God’s word is my only comfort and hope. Sometimes I tried to find my refuge to the people I love, but there are times they failed me which I truly understand because we all just human being. We tend to love with conditions. There is someone who loves me and you unconditionally. God’s love will not only reveal to us His love and acceptance, but also His desire to see us succeed and be happy. He is constantly looking for opportunities to help us achieve in life and become more content.

Million miles away

Do you ever feel like God is million miles away and is not listening to you prayers? I do feel like it today. In my low moments like this, I have to read the bible. After reading some verses, it always reminded me that God is not only there, but He is interested in every aspect of my life. In fact, He wrote the bible to tell His limitless, unconditional love and that He longs to share a personal intimate relationship with you and me.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Calming breath

Every time I felt stressed and pressured, I tried to calm myself down by doing deep and calming breath. It is just very easy to do. It will really make you feel relax and alive again. When you breathe properly you will have proper oxygenation that will give you energy. You can try this calming breath it is just very easy and it is very effective. Close your eyes and cover your right nostril with your right thumb. Exhale all the air from your lungs through your left nostril, and then inhale through the same nostril for four counts. Next, keep your right nostril closed with your thumb and use your right ring finger to close your left nostril; hold for four counts. Lift your thumb and exhale slowly through your right nostril for eight counts. Lift your ring finger. Repeat five times. Try it is very beneficial.

Pray for others

Do you feel tired? Down? Depressed? Discouraged? You can feel good when you do what Dr. Norman Vincent Peale did. Pray for everyone you can think of by name. Lifting up other people (even if they don’t know it) is in itself uplifting. It is said in the bible in Psalms 11:25 “Who refreshes others will he himself be refreshed. It is really worth a try. It will not only bless others but it blesses you more.

I love chocolates now

For many years, I do not really like chocolates. Sometimes I feel weird because mostly everyone loves chocolates. But now it is really my favourite. I love chocolates!!!!. I do not know exactly how this happened. It started when my sister bought a lot of chocolates. It was all divided to the members of the church, relatives and each members of our family. I had chocolate on hand until it is all consumed. I plan to always have a bar of chocolate with me when I start to have my work.

Turned out unexpected

I love how this photo turned out this way. I love it. I was focusing my camera very close to the very center of a red rose. This was not what I expected to come up. To me it is like a piece of painting. Don't you think? Sometimes in life there will come a time that you will be surprised with the things you do not expect while be disappointed the things you expect to happen.

Healthy snack

Most of the time, I used to bring with me a little something to eat. I usually work 12 hours. I need something to boost my energy because my work requires me to work hard. A 12-hour shift sapped my energy. That is why I need to always have like small bags of nuts and dried fruit in my bag. The healthy fats and fiber in this snack will sustain me longer. This will help me be good in my work.

Humor the great equalizer

Our family loves to laugh even we are going through a lot. Laughter is the best medicine according to the bible. Life is so heavy when the person doesn’t know how to smile. In our lives we go through a lot of stress, troubles, and problems we need to know go with life with laughter. But we need to smile and laugh in the right time and right place. People might think that we have mental problems. There was a study that a toddler laughs 400 times a day, but average adult only laugh 15 times a day. It is kind of embarrassing to know because laughter relaxes our muscles, boots our immunity, makes us younger looking and may even prolong our life. So despite what the situation we are in now, we should aim to laugh to help us feel happy. Personally, I used to laugh out loud. It is really a great way to relieve stress. You can clip a story, a headline or a photo that makes you giggle. Humor is the great equalizer. I used to bemoan my clumsiness.

Soften tensed muscles

I am doing a lot of computer work these past few weeks. My time is consumed in front of the computer. I experienced headaches. Today I had one that is pulsating. What I did to ease the pain were: I relaxed and stay away from the computer for a while, drank water and lightly tap my scalp for a few seconds, took slow deep breaths. I felt better. It softened tensed muscles in my head and neck and it built my energy. Then back to work again.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Giving thanks

Like most families, my family value to always pray during meal time. We always give thanks for the grace God provides for us. And that it will give our body the nourishment we needed. It always feels good to express the gratitude for the food. It makes us all eat more mindfully and enjoy the food more. I am sad knowing that some families pray and give thanks after they are full and satisfied. Isn't it unfair or something? What do you think?

Working in groups

There are a lot of things that cannot be accomplished with only one or two people. Several situations need a group of people to work hand in hand in order to finish a project just like this one in the photo. Do you think one or 2 people will finish this in a specific time? It needs a group of people to do and finish the building in a target time. A group is a collection of three or more people who meet on a regular basis for a common purpose. People work in groups to achieve what they are unable to achieve on their own. Groups usually produce bigger results. When people realize that change, of whatever kind, is needed, then working as a group is often the best way to achieve the change. Groups can be a force to reckon with in development work. In a group, each member brings experience which may be of great help to the group. Gathering people’s wisdom through sharing knowledge and experiences can help find solutions to problems.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Practice thanksgiving

The vegetales song "Thankfulness" keeps on popping in my mind today. I am reminded to give thanks to God and people is the easy way to start a joyful day.We should say a prayer of thanks for everyone and everything you come across today. No exceptions! Turn on the light and bless those who discovered electricity. Bless the farmers who grew the food you’re packing in the kid’s lunch. When you get in the car, bless the automotive engineers who invented seat belts. Bless the person in the office elevators who’s talking top volume on her cell phone. . for reminding you what not to do. If we make this a habit, I am sure that we will have delightful days.

WW: thursday : sunset

Facts about mosquitos

Mosquitoes are dangerous when they carry with them causative agents of certain disease. It is recommended that we should clean our surroundings in order to chase them away. These are the facts about mosquitoes.

• Anopheles mosquitoes are distinguished from other mosquitoes by their ‘tail in the air’ posture.
• When mosquitoes bite humans they suck up blood. If the person they bite has malaria, parasites in this blood breed and develop in the mosquito. When the mosquito feeds on another person, parasites are injected with the mosquito’s saliva.
• Every two or 3 days throughout their life, the female mosquitoes seek blood, which is used to provide protein for development of their eggs.
• Almost all Anopheles mosquitoes usually feed at night. After feeding, mosquitoes usually rest on the walls or ceiling while they digest the blood.
• Anopheles mosquitoes usually lay their eggs in puddles (shallow water) and irrigation water, not in smelly polluted water or water-filled garbage (in which Culex and Aedes mosquitoes lay).
• The eggs hatch into larvae which float parallel to the surface. After about a week at tropical temperatures, the larvae have grown up and emerge as adult mosquitoes from the water.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


This is my first entry for Worldless Wednesday. I am very excited to share my photos with you at the same time I am very excited to visit your sites. Hope you find this entry interesting. Happy WW everyone.